Asset selection: How much RoT is in your portfolio?
With numerous pitches, professed insights, optimizations, superior modeling, biases, et al how do you know which asset is actually in line with your target? Our system uses your positions to conduct the comparative analysis.

Analysis services: Explainability Index (EI) and Risk of Target (RoT) are proprietary, mathematically sound and easily explainable measures that do the comparative analysis.

Let us tell you how much RoT is there!

Single Asset

You want to select an asset that beats the S&P 500.  Within the EI&RoT framework the S&P 500 becomes the target and the below animation highlights how each of the performance measures of the Asset (here AGTHX) compare with the S&P 500 at a point in time and over time.  This is done both on a historical or simulated basis, and can accommodate which aspect you want to over or underweight.

Multiple Assets

You want to compare the S&P 500 with the investable ETFs.  Within the EI&RoT framework the S&P 500 becomes the target and the below animation highlights how each of the performance measures of the ETFs (here SPY, IVV, VOO) compare with the S&P 500 at a point in time and over time.  This is done both on a historical or simulated basis, and can accommodate which aspect you want to over or underweight.


You want to select a portfolio that beats a 60% S&P500 and 40% US AGG blend.  Within the EI&RoT framework the blend becomes the target and the below animation highlights how each of the performance measures of the portfolios compare with the blend at a point in time and over time.  This is done both on a historical or simulated basis, and can accommodate which aspect you want to over or underweight.